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Belated finishing November 2, 2011

Filed under: she's crafty — gleefulbarbarians @ 5:49 am

(which is better than premature….  well you know what I mean).

Dear Julie,

I know it’s your turn and I’m sure you’re as busy as me or probably more so, but I’m cutting in line.  Maybe to get us back in the habit or something.  It’s nothing exciting, but “they” say blogs need pictures, so you got some.

I knit.  I’m inconsistent about completely finishing things.  It often depends on how badly I want to wear or mail the thing I’m making.  MONTHS ago I posted on the Facebook about some yarn I had and didn’t know what to do with it.  Emanon said her youngest could use a sweater.  I just checked.  It was April.  I probably made the sweater in April (it’s a baby sweater – they usually go quickly)  It needed buttons, though.  It probably took me a month to get the buttons (this is not a monumental trip – I just never brought it to Joann’s when I went there for other things).  I sewed the buttons on TODAY.  November 1.  I now need to find a new home for this because E’s baby is much bigger (what with that growing thing babies do).


Picture quality = crappy.  It’s after 10pm in my kitchen, and I’m using the crappier camera.

Also, every Tuesday when it’s under 100F (so October to May, generally speaking) we go hang out with a wonderful group of homeschoolers at several different parks around the city.  The kids go play or ride bikes or sit (somewhere ELSE) while the parents chat.  Some of us work on handcrafts (I’ve been watching a quilt be pieced for a couple of years now), some do other work, some just chat.  I usually bring knitting because that’s my thing.  Today, continued working on this (it will never end) blue hooded sweater for Thing 2.  I’m up to the armpits and currently working on the sleeves.  When I couldn’t stand doing that anymore, I finished some socks I had been putting off finishing up.  When you’re done knitting, you aren’t supposed to just put a knot in the end and call it done.  You weave that end back and forth in the stitches a bit to sort of lock it down without creating a lumpy knot.  In the picture that follows the two mostly red pairs were done over the summer (the adult ones while I was in NY, the baby ones were started there and finished here, but done in August) and the green pair were started last Christmas.  My dear friend Terri and I were in Joann’s on December 22.  She says to me, “Hey!  If we get this yarn, we could knit socks together to have for Christmas!”   See that date?  Also, Terri has never made socks.  They generally take me 2-3 weeks.  Maybe I could do them faster if I could ignore everything else in my life.  Still.  What the hell was I thinking?  I said, “Sure!” and bought yarn.  Terri didn’t even bother to start.  I don’t remember when I finished them, but definitely not in time for Christmas.    I took care of the ends on all three pairs today.  So, 2 “new” pairs of socks for me, and one for some baby (again, the baby for whom I made them?  Much bigger now).


This picture?  Super crappy.  Bad lighting.  Camera that doesn’t like to focus on variegated yarn.  The weirdo background of my kitchen table:  Nicholas’s halloween loot in the upper left corner, new KnitPicks catalog at center top, placemats I’ve shoved out of the way on the right.

All of this to say, I finished some stuff.  And now, I’m finished and going to bed.

Audiobook: From Dead to Worse by Charlaine Harris.  Daniel’s listening to the Hitchhiker’s Guide series and enjoying it.  I didn’t think my kids would find this really funny, but they do.   Nicholas is reading anything left around the house.  I don’t think he even knows what all he’s reading.